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Nutrition ConsUlting: Prenatal through geriatrics


Rejuva Living is a health and nutrition consulting service dedicated to provide nutrition education to restore and maintain youthful and healthy individuals and communities.
We believe nutrition plays a very important role in healthy living as well as in disease prevention and treatment.
Adequate Nutrition may prevent onset of many diseases, delay progress, and in some cases, reverse disease conditions.

Learn more about us

Who we are

Rejuva Living 's owner and president is Alamira Dandan RDN,CSG, CDN.
Alamira is a Registered Dietitian Nutritonist by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics . She is also Board Certified Specialist in Gerontological Nutrition and Certified Dietitian-Nutritionist in the state of New York.
Alamira holds a certificate in Adult Weight Management provided by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

What we do

At Rejuva Living we provide Nutrition consulting services

On site services:
We come to your Skilled Nursing facility , within NY state, to provide services and get you ready for Department of Health Survey.

On line services:
We provide online Nutrition consulting throughout life stages from Prenatal through Geriatrics.

Our Medical Nutrition Therapy is evidence based, tailored specifically to meet your unique individual needs.

Why Us

Why choose Rejuva Living?

At Rejuva Living we believe that our customers deserve the best service.

With Alamira"s more than twenty years of experience in the field of Nutrition and Dietetics we stand out as pioneers .

We are always available to provide the best possible at your convenience.
We Provide World Class service at your finger tips.

We accept Medicare/Medicaid for services covered by CMS guidelines.

Get in touch

Rejuva Living LLC

(914) 260 6101